
Make a Lasting Impression with Exceptional Service

by Marcus

Customer service constitutes an essential part of a truly successful business. The unfortunate truth for customers, however, is service is too often lacking or nonexistent. When that’s the case, customers take their business and favorable opinions elsewhere.

My wife and I just returned from a 3,500-mile, 24-day road trip and vacation. We had many customer service encounters throughout the six states we visited. The majority of our experiences were mediocre, a few were poor and a few were exceptional.

We have no doubt about the businesses we won’t patronize in the future or talk favorably about. We also have no doubt about the ones we’ll absolutely visit again and speak very favorably about. Due to some paltry experiences and some fantastic experiences, some businesses dropped off our must-visit list even as others jumped onto the same list. Just like us, consumers vote with their hard-earned money and word of mouth.

By understanding what you value most in customer service and then duplicating those experiences for your customers, your business will stand out in a good way. You’ll benefit from more referrals and, in turn, enjoy more success.

Consumers have a variety of businesses from which to choose when they’re in the market for a certain product or service. Moreover,  they’re increasingly discerning with their hard-earned money in looking to satisfy their wants and needs. It’s crucial to consistently deliver high-quality products and services.

Consistency in several key areas is vital to operating a standout business. And it’s your steadfast commitment to consistency and excellence that enables you to maintain that position over time.

  • Exceptional customer service: Offering exceptional customer service experiences on a consistent basis begins with owners. When those who brought the company into existence have integrity and endeavor to give customers more reasons to say yes and fewer reasons to say no, the likelihood of operating an extraordinary company increases.
  • A caring team: When companies hire managers and employees who care, they create teams of people who hold themselves accountable to delivering exceptional customer experiences. When team members don’t care enough to offer their best — both in their attitudes and behaviors — customers recognize it, the reputation of the business suffers and revenues are lost.
  • Training and skills development: To help team members be their best on a consistent basis, it’s imperative to offer ongoing training and skills development in communication, customer service, leadership, listening, relationship-building and sales. Effective training positions your company to operate at the highest standards and meet and even exceed the desires of your growing clientele. By instilling and supporting a positive mindset and helping them to develop the necessary skills, your caring team members deliver an exceptional experience each and every time they connect with your valuable customers.
  • Making it right: Operating a standout company isn’t about being perfect, but rather the pursuit of excellence and giving your absolute best day in and day out. When you or your team drops the ball with a customer, your integrity must kick in and, no matter what, make it right for the patron who makes your business possible in the first place.

Exceptional companies stand out in the hearts and minds of their customers by delivering high-quality service on a consistent basis.

Remember, your business can deliver high-quality products and services for years. But it only takes one paltry experience for a regular customer to stop doing business with you and share that negative experience with countless others. It costs next to nothing to earn high-quality referrals from your customers. But it’s very costly to have customers think poorly of you and your business.

It’s the quality of each customer experience that matters most. The critical ingredients of an exceptional experience are exceptional people, exceptional products and exceptional services. Get these right on a consistent basis, and your business will always make a lasting impression in the hearts and minds of your customers.

To learn more about this topic or discuss your unique situation, schedule a FREE EXPLORATORY SESSION by filling out the form below or submitting your information on our Contact Request Form.

This article was written for and published in collaboration with The Business Times newspaper.


Marcus Straub

Author Marcus Straub

Marcus Straub is Founder and CEO of Life Is Great!™ (LIG) Coaching and Consulting, Inc. based in Grand Junction, Colorado.

Serving individuals of all ages and companies of all sizes, in locations across the country and around the world, Marcus specializes in the development of customized programs tailored to meet the unique goals of each individual client. Purposefully created to guide those involved toward unprecedented personal, professional, and organizational growth, Marcus has become well-known for his straightforward approach and systematic techniques.