
Embrace Change, Take Action, and Thrive

by Marcus

Change is a reality in business whether we want it or not. Business environments change, economies change and team dynamics change. Technology changes rapidly. Life in general is about change. But if we habitually resist change, we limit the potential of all that’s available to us.

People avoid change because they also must change in the process. They focus on how hard the change could be, the possible negative outcomes and fear of the unknown. Moreover, people become comfortable in their current situations even if they don’t contribute to success and happiness.

In our tendency to focus on the difficulties rather than the benefits of change, we stop ourselves from exploring opportunities and taking action. In other words, we focus only on what we perceive as the downsides. A more balanced perspective is required to achieve professional and personal success and happiness.

Start with an honest self-appraisal. As you become aware of the undesirable results and negative feelings associated with your choice not to change, use that discomfort to propel yourself forward. Most of us reach a point where we can’t take it anymore. If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll reach this threshold sooner and save precious time and resources in creating a reality you do find pleasing and rewarding.

If, during your honest self-appraisal, you discover you’re not pleased with the way things are going in your business or your life, choose to make a change in how you perceive change. In doing so, you’ll better position yourself to take actions that will improve your situation and enhance your feelings of happiness and success.

Through coaching and consulting work, people learn how their current thought and behavior patterns work against what they want and the very success and happiness they desire. Working together, new thoughts and behaviors are developed that allow them to change their realities in positive ways. Efforts focus on the reasons for making a change, the process of change and the benefits of doing so.

One example of this might be letting go a team member who possesses the skills to do the job, but whose attitude and behavior damages corporate culture, customer relations and the bottom line. If you or your team members feel an aversion to certain team members because of their negativity, a change is in order. This personnel situation is all too common in the business world and becomes more damaging the longer it’s allowed to continue.

Business owners and managers often avoid personnel changes because of the time, effort and money involved in hiring and training replacements. There’s also the fear of having that tough talk or the confrontation that sometimes occurs in letting someone go. That’s not to mention the fear of disparaging remarks, retribution and unemployment claims.

Those who turn their attention from what at first appears to be the overwhelming effort involved in making a change and focus instead on the benefits will gain energy that makes the effort seem a lot less daunting. You eliminate a major barrier to change in focusing on how the change will improve your situation.

If your business has hit a rough patch, your health is declining or your relationships are suffering, use your awareness of these situations to face the reality your resistance to change diminishes your success and happiness more and more each day. Then seek assistance and make the needed changes.

Necessary change is much easier when we choose to see it in a positive light. As we embrace change, we alter our perception of it from a bad thing to a good thing filled with potential and opportunity. Humans are amazing. They can accomplish great feats once they open their minds to possibility and then decide to take action.

To learn more about this topic or discuss your unique situation, schedule a FREE EXPLORATORY SESSION by filling out the form below or submitting your information on our Contact Request Form.

This article was written for and published in collaboration with The Business Times newspaper.


Marcus Straub

Author Marcus Straub

Marcus Straub is Founder and CEO of Life Is Great!™ (LIG) Coaching and Consulting, Inc. based in Grand Junction, Colorado.

Serving individuals of all ages and companies of all sizes, in locations across the country and around the world, Marcus specializes in the development of customized programs tailored to meet the unique goals of each individual client. Purposefully created to guide those involved toward unprecedented personal, professional, and organizational growth, Marcus has become well-known for his straightforward approach and systematic techniques.