Being grateful gives you the ability to instantly change how you feel, because it first changes how you think. It replaces deficit with abundance, disturbance with peace, and sadness with joy. Gratitude is the great elixir for daily bouts of unhappiness. Gratitude is the light unto the darkness, so long as you remember to turn it on. Gratitude is a tool for which no problem is too great, when it is employed with unwavering commitment. Move through your day with gratitude as your companion, send it forth at the earliest signs of negativity, and discover its life altering power for yourself.
Coaching Tip #864
by Marcus
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This article was written for and published in collaboration with The Business Times newspaper.
Author Marcus Straub
Marcus Straub is Founder and CEO of Life Is Great!™ (LIG) Coaching and Consulting, Inc. based in Grand Junction, Colorado.
Serving individuals of all ages and companies of all sizes, in locations across the country and around the world, Marcus specializes in the development of customized programs tailored to meet the unique goals of each individual client. Purposefully created to guide those involved toward unprecedented personal, professional, and organizational growth, Marcus has become well-known for his straightforward approach and systematic techniques.