The Inspired Individual
Inspired Individuals are empowered!
Inspired individuals are excited about life and motivated to take action. The are deeply passionate about what they are doing and where they are going. They are in control of their actions and harness the power to make movements that align with their purpose.
No matter how old you are or where you are in your life’s journey, it is never too early, or to late, to remove any obstacles standing in your way and achieve your dreams.
The simple process of living in today’s world brings a wide array of people and situations that must be managed in order to thrive and stay off the “emotional roller coaster” of life. At times, it is easy; at other times, not so much. Seeking out the neutral guidance and support of a trusted coach and mentor is a courageous step toward becoming your greatest self and living your greatest life.
All individuals seeking a more profound life experience are invited to explore the gifts and benefits offered exclusively through The Inspired Individual™ program. And, just as no two individuals are created exactly alike, no two programs are exactly alike either. At Life Is Great!, we believe in working together to create a customized program that is designed to meet your unique needs and achieve your unique goals.
In the end, it is all about YOU!
Who Can Benefit?
Individuals of all ages and all walks of life can benefit from The Inspired Individual™ program. Whether you’re looking to make personal or professional improvements, are working to overcome past challenges, facing a life-changing situation, making a career change, seeking academic advice, or just learning more about who you are and your place in the world, this unique program is designed with YOU in mind. Whatever situation you’re facing, there is always a solution!
What is Included?
Each custom-designed program includes a FREE Exploratory Session, a comprehensive Goals Report, and a prearranged number of coaching sessions. A variety of statistically accurate, personalized assessments may also be integrated to meet set goals and maximize individual results. Before entering into a flexible coaching agreement, all program details will be reviewed together in detail to ensure understanding.
How Long is the Program?
While every situation is unique, most individuals enroll in a three or six month coaching program to start. This approach provides enough time to create momentum and achieve measurable results. How long you choose to continue coaching depends on you and the results you want to achieve. At LIG Coaching, our goal is to empower you in the face of your reality and help you become your own coach in the shortest period of time. You can always add on additional coaching sessions or come back for tune-ups along the way!
What is the Investment?
Investing in quality coaching is affordable because of its high ROI. If you are committed and willing to do the work, it will likely be the most important contribution you ever make in yourself and your future. After your FREE Exploratory Session, we will work together to determine the best course of action and create a customized program plan with your availability and budget in mind. And, because you are never locked into a contract, you can modify your program at any time
When I started working with Marcus in 2015, my world changed. Little did I know that one reluctant decision would turn into the next four years of my life. Within those four years we navigated my way through multiple life shifts. It took a whole lot of effort and a great deal of willingness on my part, but slowly, together, we discovered who I was becoming and I began to learn the tools necessary to successfully navigate future life chapters, challenges and obstacles. I was able to dissect myself and learn all about me, the strong-willed, smart, powerful woman who struggled to make decisions and battled an inner fight with perfectionism. I was discovering my purpose, passion and direction, and I was having fun doing it!
4 years later, I have completely changed my life. I’m continuing to discover my true self as I progress and evolve. I’ve started and completed school, created a business, learned that it’s okay to feel totally vulnerable and take chances, but most importantly I have learned that I can do just about anything that I don’t choose to hold myself back from.
Marcus is a rare individual filled with compassion, patience, charisma and drive; he defines authenticity. He always met me where I was at, providing the perfect amount of accountability and non-judgement. I would always say, “You’re stuck with me forever.”, but Marcus never wanted me to feel the need to rely on him forever. His goal was that one day I would have the self-confidence and tools to venture out on my own and be the most successful, best version of myself. Marcus was not only my life coach, but he is also my mentor and friend. I cannot express enough the gratitude and appreciation I have for him. He helped change my entire life!